Welcome to the Effingham History Project, a collaborative effort between the Effingham Historical Society and the Effingham Public Library in New Hampshire. Explore the digital collections and experience our town's history.

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Lamb Grazing


Lamb Grazing, Effingham Public Library, Unpublished, 1859

The lamb is a symbol of purity and innocence. The white Masonic apron was once made of lambskin. The apron is a reminder for Masons to keep away from…

Father Time and the Weeping Virgin


Father Time and the Weeping Virgin, Effingham Public Library, Unpublished, 1859

The painting of Father Time and the Weeping Virgin reflects the grief for the unfinished state of the temple. It is often credited to Jeremy Cross,…

Jacobs Ladder


Jacobs Ladder, Effingham Public Library, Unpublished, 1859

For Masons, this ladder is understood as a stairway, a passage from this world to the Heavens. It also symbolizes to a certain extent the journey of a…